
2-methylbutene-2 ​​- is a substance of organic nature, belonging to the class of branched unsaturated / unsaturated hydrocarbons, namely, alkenes. It is a methyl derivative of butene-2 ​​and pentene-2 ​​isoper. The structural (graphical) formula of 2-methylbutene-2 ​​shows the type of connection of atoms in the molecule, and from the name of the substance you can get information that the double bond and the methyl radical are located at the second carbon atom.


Suggested title2-methylbutanamine-2

Primary amines

Molar mass87 g/mol
Gross formulaC5H13N


Hydrogenation of nitro compounds*

Hydrogenation of nitro compounds*

2-methyl-2-nitrobutane + 3 hydrogen → (t°, nickel) → 2-methylbutanamine-2 + 2 water

Obtaining amines from alcohols

Obtaining amines from alcohols

2-methylbutanol-2 + ammonia → (t °, cat.) → 2-methylbutanamine-2 + water

The reaction can continue until secondary and tertiary amines are obtained, in practice a mixture of products is obtained.

Recovery in an alkaline or neutral environment*

Recovery in an alkaline or neutral environment*

2-methyl-2-nitrobutane + 3 ammonium sulfide → 2-methylbutanamine-2 + 3 sulfur + 6 ammonia + 2 water

Displacement of amines from their salts by stronger bases

Displacement of amines from their salts by stronger bases

tertpentylammonium bromide + sodium hydroxide → 2-methylbutanamine-2 + sodium bromide + water

Chemical properties

N-alkylation of amines, obtaining secondary and tertiary amines

N-alkylation of amines, obtaining secondary and tertiary amines

2-methylbutanamine-2 + chloroethane + sodium hydroxide → 2-methyl-N-ethylbutanamine-2 + sodium chloride + water

The reaction is carried out in two stages. The intermediate product is a salt, which can be treated with alkali to isolate the amine. Above is the summary equation of the two reactions.

The main properties of amines, obtaining ammonium compounds

The main properties of amines, obtaining ammonium compounds

2-methylbutanamine-2 + hydrochloric acid → tert-pentylammonium chloride

Reaction of primary amines with nitrous acid*

Reaction of primary amines with nitrous acid*

2-methylbutanamine-2 + nitric acid → 2-methylbutanol-2 + nitrogen ↑ + water

The reaction proceeds in two stages: sodium nitrite with hydrochloric acid give nitrous acid, which reacts with the amine.
A simplified record of the reaction is shown.

Preparation of ammonium compounds with halogen derivatives

Preparation of ammonium compounds with halogen derivatives

2-methylbutanamine-2 + chloroethane → tert-pentylethylammonium chloride



4 2-methylbutanamine-2 + 33 oxygen → (t°) → 20 carbon dioxide + 26 water + 2 nitrogen


Alexander Stephenson

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, editor-in-chief of Guide-scientific.com. Lecturer at several international online schools, member of the jury of chemistry competitions and author of scientific articles.

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